Thursday, June 18, 2009

I realized I'm super bad with this blog thing.

Anyways, I've watched a movie called Fantastic Planet, it's an animated sci-fi from the 70's directed by Rene Laloux's.
According to Netflix the movie is about "a band of humans -- known as Oms -- are kept as domesticated pets by an alien race of blue humanoid giants called Traags. The story centers on an Om named Terr, who escapes his subjugation with a Traag learning device and eventually uses it to educate other Oms and incite them to revolt. Said to be based on the Soviet occupation of the Czech Republic."
Fantastic, I love the analogy, seriously, it couldn't be better. Best part is when the alien put some sort of type of collar around the human beings neck in order to not to let them run away, and if the human being runs the alien has this control that brings the human back no matter how far the human is, ah that was a blast!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Semanalmente eu leio as noticias no blog do e esse video me chocou horrores, ai Brasil acorda!

Weekly I read the news on the and I saw this disturbing video, it's in portuguese:(
Brief intro it is about farmers in this town called JuĂ­na (MT) that didn't allow activists from Greenpeace and the OPAN (Operation Native Amazonia) to study and talk with the indian tribe Enawene Nawe. The farmers use the indian territory for their cattle, in order to keep their cattle they clear the forest, and once upon a a life!

Wouldn't be easier if the whole earth could go veggie?
yes but
nah lets kill indians, burn trees and sell exoctic animals as pets, what you think?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

testing g g g
not on animals ;P